Saroj Kumar Mohanty is a 26 years old resident of Adhei Khala, BJB Nagar which is a slum area in Bhubaneshwar. Due to being orthopedically challenged, he faces problems when it comes to mobility. He had been looking for a job at many places but wasn’t accepted anywhere.
After being identified in the year 2016 by project Saksham, Saroj was enrolled under the Youth Skill Development Program. Under this, he was first trained in the skill of juice making in the year 2016 and provided with one juice-making machine. With this, he had started earning around Rs. 200/- per day by setting up a mobile juice stall on a lorry.
In 2017, through further intervention by Saksham, he was linked with Punjab National Bank and received Rs. 20000/- of loan. With this support, he was able to get himself a permanent cabin where he sells varieties of snacks. His everyday earning has increased to Rs. 500/- and more. Just in the last year, he was able to repay more than half of his loan amount. Apart from financial help, his bus pass, train pass and bank linkage were also done through the project. Saroj can now support himself and is leading a life of dignity.